1.sweet potato wrapped with real chicken meat: you need to let your dog enjoy high quality natural and healthy food. it is right to choose our product. dog chewies are perfect for training, these top sticks will last a long time and can special promote dogs’ teeth healthy. have less plaque and tartar. keeps dogs’ jaws strong and breath fresher. chews contain only high protein ingredients : offer your four-legged sidekick our irresistible chicken strips puppy treats; made from 100% sourced meat, our healthy dog treats combine health protein, fresh dream dry meat, and go-anywhere convenience
3.perfect healthy training fun shape snacks : dehydrated to lock in flavor and nutrients, our high fiber jerky is a good healthy chewy food. just break them into bite-sized pieces, and your happy puppies, premios para perros will be sitting pretty for their prime wrap snack.
4.all-natural grain, corn and gluten free dog treat : your pup deserves the best in life, which is why beloved pets non raw hide dog treats are full made with quality chicken tenders, duck, beef, or pork. grain-free and corn-free, it’s 100% digestible for your dog’s sensitive stomach. our dog treats n chips are packed in a soft potatoes pack. making it the perfect meal on-the-go for your favorite friend fillers, no artificial ingredients & no by products : dog snacks can help you understand more about your dogs. a good pet snack can promote a harmonious relationship between you and your pet, and also make your dog more integrated into your family life and kitchen.
Flavor: Sweet Potato;
Item Form: Stick;
Specific Uses For Product: Dental Care;
Age Range (Description): Adult;
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